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Electricity / Power Saving Device Reviewed [Scam]

device imageIt was only late last year (2013) that the $1,500+ power saving device was being marketed (again) under a new business name of  ‘Save my Power’ mainly through unsolicited cold calling Canberra residence.  This scam has been around for a few years under a couple of different business names and with the ever rising costs of our utility bills, I am almost certain we will see this product re-surface under a different business name in the near future.


This scam power saving product is a device that is connected to your mains and in theory actually works for its intended purpose and that is power factor correction (BUT YOU WILL NOT SAVE ANY MONEY ON YOUR POWER BILL).

In a nutshell the power factor correction unit is never going to save a normal residential household money on their power bill. These devices are suited to large commercial and industrial applications who are charged for both ‘real power consumed’ AND a ‘power demand charge’ (kVA) or in other words, ‘apparent power the Network must supply to the building’.  So for industrial and large commercial instances, yes Power Factor Correction is commonly used for a number of purposes and one of those reasons is to reduce cost of their power bills.  However for a typical Canberra residence, you will not see any reduction in your power bills.

For power saving tips visit my post here

Please leave a comment if you have any questions.

Tips on how to save money on your electricity bill

Tips on how to save money on your electricity bill and be eco-friendly at the same time.

The cost of electricity for Canberra households has risen by 45% over the last 5-6 years!  We’ll show you how to save on your electricity consumption over the next 12 months.

Top 5 household energy saving tips:

1. If you haven’t already done so, swap out all light globes with LED or low wattage compact fluorescent bulbs (Energy Efficient Globes)

2. Have a qualified professional turn your electric hot water system (HWS) down to 60C.   Most household systems are set to 70C by default.  60C is plenty hot enough (above 55C is recommended to prevent bacteria) for showers and washing up etc. 10C lower can make a big difference when you consider the average electric HWS is about 160ltrs.  Heating 160ltr 10C more every night draw a lot of energy.

3. The most commonly misused household electrical item (in hours/mins) is the television.  If you are a culprit for leaving your 50in plasma TV blazing away all day while no one is watching it, then it’s time you purchased a Television ‘Auto-Off’ device (some newer smart TVs have this feature built-in! Activate it!) which turns your television off automatically if you haven’t touched the remote for 2hrs. You may qualify for a free power standby device – search Google.

4. Be conscious of which lights you have turned on inside your house at night.  It’s a basic energy saving tip, however, I am sure we could all do a bit better (or a lot) with turning off all lights apart from the room you are in… better still use low power small lamps when only a little bit of light is required.

5. Switch off all power points to all items when not in use.  Electronic devices in standby mode will still consume energy.

Unfortunately there is no one quick fix to reduce your energy consumption by a large volume, however, if we implement a number of small changes to the way we consume energy, then we will certainly make a difference to our electricity energy consumption.

Times have changed but our thought process may still be back in the 80-90s when it comes to saving energy (which means not thinking or taking action at all).  It’s a real personal & cultural shift that we (individually) need to adopt and make this change a priority and a lot more aware of energy consumption and being energy smart.  If you start changing your own bad habits around the home, before you know it, being energy conscious will come second nature and not a feel like a chore.  The added bonus of your change will also reduce C02 (Carbon) emissions.

Give me a call (Barry) on 0487 789 585 to discuss your options with turning your house into a more energy efficient household.

All the best.

Electrical Services Canberra
0487 789 585

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